The habit of sitting too long or improper posture when sitting can cause various diseases. One of them is back pain. To prevent this from happening, let's look at the correct and good sitting position for health in the following article. The position of the body when sitting puts great pressure on the back muscles, shoulders, neck and spine. If the position of the body when sitting slipped or while bending, then the pressure in these body parts will get stronger. This poor sitting position can be one of the most common causes of back pain. Correct Sitting Position So that the wrong sitting position does not cause back pain and pain in other body parts, try to observe whether your sitting position is correct or not. The following are some correct sitting positions to prevent back pain: 1. Adjust chair height Adjust the height of the chair so that the arms form the letter L and the elbows are next to the body. This position allows the wrists and arms to be straight and parall...